Mailing Address: 1423 Chapel Street. 3C, New Haven, CT 06511
If you are an educator, first responder, counselor, caseworker, activist … any profession that works with people of color in urban communities, this is your CALL TO ACTION. Be prepared and ready to help those affected the most by systemic racism. Join the Urban Trauma® learning community, today!
You can be a leader focused on breaking the cycle of injustice and racism.
You can listen, you can learn, you will have the necessary tools once you understand Urban Trauma.
Not a label or condition, Urban Trauma is a framework to identify, reclaim and heal from structural racism. Key components contributing to its development are the foundational pillars of Urban Trauma: history, biology and environment.
The history of racism is crucial to gaining insight about Urban Trauma – multigenerational and chronic exposure to racialized trauma from the period of the enslavement of Africans to modern-day mass incarceration to implicit and unconscious bias. An essential aspect of antiracism work is learning about the lasting and detrimental psychological effects of racism.
Constant exposure to certain traumas over time becomes integrated in our genetic makeup. Epigenetics has identified a marker for traumatic stress in our DNA, generated by daily exposure to both subtle and explicit forms of racism. Inherited trauma, often passed down one generation after another, can cause devastating effects in physical and mental health.
We are an extension of our environment. Nurture plays a vital role in our development, including how we handle our challenges and successes. Inequities in urban environments can make Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) more susceptible to developing urban trauma.
Urban trauma is a deep-rooted psychological and genetic condition that is caused by
The opportunity for self-reflection to explore your own identity and implicit biases.
A greater sense of commitment with clear applications to your community work anchored in racial justice.
Urban Trauma is not a diagnosis or a mental health issue. It is not present in everyone, nor is it self-inflicted. It is a deep-rooted psychological and genetic condition that is caused by racially motivated toxic stress in disenfranchised communities .
Systemic racism does not foster positive nurturing attachments or relationships. For that reason trust has been deeply broken for centuries and continues to be abused. So how can we expect those with urban trauma to develop trust in people, programs and systems that have caused extraordinary harm?
Fear is paralyzing, consumes our thinking, and stunts our growth. Fear does not allow for thoughtful planning and execution of self-empowerment.
Through the lens of urban trauma, our motives, needs, and the stories we tell ourselves influence our perception in particular ways and often stem from a drive for survival.
Racism continues to reinvent itself at every point in history. We must become antiracist to dismantle systemic oppression. Understanding the different variations of racism allows us to break generational cycles and strive for a more equitable world.
Sharing the powerful impact that understanding Urban Trauma can mean for healing communities of color is Dr. Akbar’s life mission and passion. If you are not satisfied for any reason with the course materials and personal knowledge gained during the Urban Trauma® Informed program, however, we will refund your enrollment fee within 30 days.
That’s a natural response to new learnings and perspectives you may never have considered. Becoming Urban Trauma® Informed requires that you move out of your comfort zone to confront serious issues associated with racial injustice. You should expect to experience some discomfort. Recognize those feelings and acknowledge them as signs of personal growth.
Absolutely! You have access to the entire program for one full year after your enrollment. Feel free to review materials at your leisure.
We encourage you to share your newfound knowledge with others in your community and the people you serve. You will also join a learning community of many Urban Trauma practitioners who will be training alongside you. But please recognize that your access to the membership site is limited to you and only you. The materials in the program are copyrighted by Dr. Maysa Akbar and are not available for duplication or distribution without her permission.
Register now to become Informed. Help and heal those who suffer from the effects of Urban Trauma and restore their hope for a better future.